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What is something selfless you have done today?

"What is something selfless you have done today?" I sometimes find it hard to answer this question myself. At the end of each day, I take the time to reflect on what I have done and how those actions have affected others. The goal of this self-reflection is not to make myself feel bad for not doing enough; it is to find nuggets of kindness that I may have overlooked in my busy day. By asking myself, "What is something selfless I have done today?" I am affirming that I am capable of selflessness and I have the ability to recognize my actions.

A selfless act is anything that does not serve oneself. Small acts, such as picking up a piece of trash or taking your partner's cup to the sink, bring positivity into the world, even if they are not intentional. I believe that every person, every day, does something selfless. By taking time at the end of the day to recognize your selfless behavior, you are turning your attention to ways that you unintentionally bring positivity into others' lives. In turn, you will be able to grow your ability to intentionally be selfless in the future.


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